President’s Letter – December 2019

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FACP December 2019 President’s newsletter
FACP has a new Administrator!
Welcome Brittany Staggs, our new part-time administrator.  Brittany’s “day job” is as a paralegal in the divorce department at Greenspoon Marder’s Orlando office.  Brittany is proof of the saying that it’s the busiest people who get the most done.  
Hi, I’m Brittany Staggs and I am your new Administrator for the FACP. I have been a family law paralegal for eight years and enjoy working closely with clients to resolve their cases amicably. I am a mother of three beautiful children and understand the importance of putting their needs before anything else. 
I am very excited to be a part of FACP and look forward to working closely with each of you to make this year a great one. 
I am available at if you need any assistance. My goal is to respond by the next business day. If you need to schedule a call with me to discuss a project, please email me and I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. 
Thanks to Christina Black who has served as FACP’s first professional administrator.  We appreciate all that Christina has done to help build Florida’s Collaborative community.
BUZZ DRIVERS: Check out our new feature “BUZZ Drivers.”  Tammy Berman, LMHC, one of our Leadership Fellows, whose office is in Plantation, features the Broward County Pro Bono Project.  Tammy and her team will be reaching out to Practice Group presidents throughout the state to tell us about projects by Practice groups and their members that build BUZZ about Collaborative practice.
Trainings on the FACP web site.
Reminder:  the “quid pro quo”– a phrase much in the news lately–for posting trainings on the FACP website is that you provide FACP with the list of registrants in the spread sheet format we provide.  
Holiday thoughts:
It’s that time of year of lights and celebrations and family and friends and festivities.  Hopefully we’ll all step back and steep in the daily wonders of our lives and come back in the New Year recharged and refreshed.
And if you think about buying gifts for others— treat yourselves too.   Joan Garry, Author of Because Nonprofits are Messy, writes a great blog.  This is her list of books that will make great gifts for every leader in your life—and we are all leaders!  (All the notes are Joan’s except for the one in italics—that’s mine):
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
 A book that digs into why we even have meetings/gatherings and how to ensure that they are meaningful and productive and add value to the good work you do.  Buy the real book—it’s beautiful to hold in your hands.
Nonprofit Management 101 by Heyman & Brenner
It’s a bible every nonprofit leader needs to have. 
Difficult Conversations: How To Discuss What Matters Most by Stone, Patton & Heen
Messy by Tim Harford
This book makes the best case for why “messy” need not be a pejorative. Tim writes about the treasures that can be found in “mess.” Read the opening chapter about the piano and you will be hooked. 
Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt
Hyatt is a leadership guru and his work is very actionable – focusing on planning and goal setting. If you follow the recipe in this book, you’ll get more done in less time and you won’t fill the time you save with more work. Does your to-do list have tasks on it that you feel will suck the life out of you? This is one of the best antidotes to the leader’s most challenging affliction – an inability to prioritize.
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
From Brene:  “Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It’s time for all of us to step up.” Brown believes that leadership is a collection of four skill sets that are 100% teachable. This book is a gift for all those who lead or aspire to lead.

Collaboratively yours,

Elaine Silver

FACP President

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