Professional Blog

The Latest in Collaborative Divorce and Family Law

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FACP 2024 Conference: Energy, Inspiration & Action

By Marta Alfonso
We are still buzzing with the energy and inspiration from the recent FACP Annual Conference in sunny Boca Raton.

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Couple Discussing Problems With Relationship Counsellor

When Collaborative Divorce Hits a Roadblock

By Renee Natvig, LCSW
Beginning the Collaborative Process with clients presents unique challenges. In particular, it’s difficult to predict whether clients will maintain an open mindset or adopt rigid stances.

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Florida Durational

Florida Durational Alimony Amendments: Mortgage Financing in Divorce

By Don Moll
Major durational alimony changes went into effect July 1, 2023 in Florida. These changes will have profound implications for divorcing spouses who need alimony payments to qualify for mortgage financing.

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President’s Update – June 2023

By Bob Merlin
Well, my friends, it is with mixed sadness, pleasure, and gratitude that I am now writing my last President’s Letter. My two-year term as President of FACP will end on July 11th when we have our next Board meeting.

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President’s Update – May 2023

By Bob Merlin
I am intentionally writing this letter on Mother’s Day. On Mother’s Day, we celebrate the mothers we know and love and the mothers and grandmothers who have passed.

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By Jeffrey P. Wasserman
A Collaborative Professional’s ethics are as integral to a strong, successful Collaborative Process as a skyscraper’s steel skeleton is to its support. Where do Collaborative Professionals get their steel beams, rivets, and girders?

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President’s Update – April 2023

By Bob Merlin
Good day to all of you, my fellow Florida Collaborative professionals. I am excited to say that FACP is alive and thriving. Our committees have been very busy.

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Searching For Galahad (Succession Planning – Part III)

By Joryn Jenkins
We’re still looking for Galahad, the ideal knight to join our practice group, and then to succeed into leadership of it, as well as membership on the board of our statewide collaborative organization.

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Celebrating World Creativity & Innovation Week 2023 Plus Three Ways Creativity and Collaboration Can Change the World

By Holly Haggerty
Collaborative Professionals know firsthand the creativity required to conclude a Collaborative Divorce successfully far exceeds the creativity required to settle or “win” a case in litigation.

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Searching For Galahad (Succession Planning – Part II)

By Joryn Jenkins
We’re looking for our Galahad, the perfect knight to complete our ideal collaborative team. Someone who can eventually succeed into leadership of our practice group.

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Searching For Galahad (Succession Planning – Part I)

By Joryn Jenkins
Succession planning entails developing internal people with leadership potential to fill key positions when they become vacant.

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Cultural Sensitivity

By Joryn Jenkins
A long-haired Japanese star just led me to a discovery. The other day, I consulted with two new clients, a husband and wife. They met with me together on Zoom to discuss which process would work best for their divorce.

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