Annual Conference Planning Committee Report

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Our 7th Annual FACP Conference held on May 16-18, 2019 at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida was a great success.  200 of our members attended! And we had lots of first time attendees too! Our informative and inspiring keynote speaker, Louise Phipps Senft, from Baltimore, MD taught us how to be relational in our professional and personal lives to maximize what we bring to the table in our collaborative practices.  We heard from IACP President, Christopher Farish, Esq. on the importance of the international expansion of collaborative practice. This was followed by an exciting and entertaining Live Auction that raised needed funds for FACP’s goal to improve and expand our website initiative. We were honored with a great panel discussion comprised of international collaborative practitioners representing Florida, Italy, Hong Kong, Canada, and Australia, who discussed best practices moderated by Judge Alice Blackwell of the 9th Judicial Circuit.  New this year was our Technology Lounge, including tutorial videos and one-on-one help to become tech savvy, as well as, the Poster Session showcasing the incredible low bono and pro bono collaborative programs in existence statewide.  Other highlights were the pre-conference Inaugural Leadership Academy, content-packed workshops, Dine Arounds, morning Wellness Activities and Poolside BBQ.

I want to acknowledge my Committee Co-Chairs, Teresa Parnell, Kim Nutter and David Harper, as well as, our Sub-Committees (Content, Sponsorship, Auction) and AK Consulting Group, for all the hard work put into this year’s Conference. A big thanks to our many sponsors, including Brinkley Morgan for being our 2019 Conference Title Sponsor.  Our Conferences and annual programming depend on the businesses who support and give generously to FACP.

Be sure to Save-The-Date for our 8th Annual Conference which will be held again at the JW Marriott Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida on May 21-23, 2020 and extend your stay through the Memorial Day Weekend at our amazing group rate price!  The 2020 Conference Co-Chairs, Carina Leeson, Lisette Beraja and Marie-Eve Girard are already at work planning for next year.  Please contact any one of us to share your comments or ideas about what you would like to see at future conferences. See you on May 21-23, 2020!

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