Collaborative Law Process Act and Collaborative Practice: Exploring Possibilities for Families Struggling with IPV/DV”

families struggling with IPV/DV FACP collaborative law process

Postponed until Friday, May 29, 2020 from 2-3:30PM.
Historically, experts in domestic violence thought that victims of domestic violence were not capable of freely negotiating a settlement of a family matter, so court was their only option. Over time, experts have realized that victims of intimate partner violence should have the power to decide what process to use to resolve their divorce or paternity matter. The Collaborative Process is an ideal alternative process to litigation for families where there is a history of coercive or violent behavior. That is especially true because the Collaborative team of professionals usually includes a facilitator who has a mental health background. This webinar will give you the tools and practical knowledge to represent clients who have a history of coercive or violent family relationships.
Webinar panelists:  Robert Merlin, Esq., Randy Heller, PhD, LMFT, LMHC Craig Fabrikant, PhD and Leisa Wintz, Esq. 
There is a $20 fee for this webinar.
This webinar will provide the required credits on domestic violence for credentialing purposes. 
Register Here:
Certificate of completion will be presented to all attendees.

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