FACP February President’s Update

FACP collaborative divorce florida divorce attorney

Dear Collaborative Colleagues,
I spent the last two days of January attending the Cert Review continuing legal education course for Florida family lawyers. Next year Collaborative process will be part of the curriculum! The thought leaders who introduced mediation to Florida a generation ago might not have dreamed that it would become mandatory in all family law matters, as it is today. Today’s Collaborative professionals dream that all of Florida’s divorcing families will one day have Collaborative process available to them. We dream that all families who go through divorce will understand the waste and harm of an adversarial process. We dream that families will appreciate the value of a process that results in settlement and teaches healthy communication and problem-solving skills.

I never tire of quoting President Abraham Lincoln who wrote: Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often a real loser — in fees, expenses, and waste of time. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. The deadline for applications for the 2nd FACP Leadership Institute has been extended February 8. There’s still time to join this phenomenal opportunity to learn leadership skills and form lasting bonds with Collaborative colleagues from throughout Florida. Apply to your local Practice Group Leadership. Reach out to co-chairs Dr. Teresa Parnell (Orlando), Dr. Mercedes McGowan (Jacksonville) and Matthew Thatcher, Esq. (Tampa) for more information or CLICK HERE.


Coming 3rd Friday of each month

Beginning February 19, 2021, at 12PM EST

“The tradition of Medical Grand Rounds at Johns Hopkins University Medical School can be traced back to the first professor oof medicine, beginning in 1889. …… the patient and specific clinical problems have always been the focus of discussion. The objective is to demonstrate the best in the analysis and treatment of difficult clinical problems in real-life patients. The patient remains our link between current research and modern therapeutics”.
FACP is about to start the tradition of lunchtime Collaborative Grand Rounds on the 3rd Friday of each month beginning February 19, 2021, from noon to 1. Lizette Reborado and Kelly Forst, both graduates of the first FACP Leadership Institute, will be reaching out to our member practice groups to host Grand Rounds. Come with your questions about cases, listen to our members chew over challenges and solutions. Let Liz and Kelly know which Grand Rounds your Practice Group would like to host.
Collaboratively yours,
Elaine T. Silver, President, Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals

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