How a Relational Worldview Can Build a Collaborative Practice and Create a Legacy

FACP collaborative divorce florida

Collaborative professionals: Are you “transactional” or “relational”? A transactional or relational thinker? A transactional or relational practitioner? This provocative inquiry can be both unsettling and inspiring for us as leaders of Collaborative Practice. Celebrated for her undying belief in people’s capacities to do good and to heal, even in crisis, Louise sets the theme of looking harder at our practices to ensure greater alignment with our declared collaborative values and to determine what it is that clients want most out of their conflicts. Louise’s bestselling book, Being Relational, and her most recent ABA book chapter, “Avoiding the Wellness Bypass,” form the basis for our deeper look at our own alignment with our values, and our attractiveness to our clients. Louise will also introduce us to the way of being humble as a mindset for greater prosperity and lasting positive change.
See keynote speaker, Louise Phipps Senft,  speak on this topic as one of our featured speakers at our upcoming conference in May. CLICK HERE to get more information about the upcoming FACP conference.

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