June President’s Update

FACP collaborative divorce florida divorce attorney

Dear Collaborative Professionals,
We are making a difference! We are changing the world to make it better. And we are changing our own lives.
I have never been happier in my career and healthier in my life. For that, I credit the Collaborative Movement.
Our work is very rewarding. We change people’s lives for the better. We help weaker spouses become stronger. We equalize power imbalances. We help people learn how to communicate better.
The people, the professionals I work with, both in my cases and in the Collaborative Movement, are special. It is so reassuring to work with professionals who want to build a better world, not destroy it.
During the past two years, we have worked hard making the FACP bigger and better. We have increased our visibility in the professional world and in public. Our communication with our members and our member Practice Groups has greatly improved. We have spread Collaborative through Access programs throughout Florida. And we have built and will soon launch the Accredited Collaborative Professional credential.
It has been my absolute pleasure to serve as your President for the past two years. I feel comfortable knowing that I am turning over to Elaine Silver and her Executive Board a movement that is stronger today than it was two years ago. The four-year-old FACP continues to grow, continues to provide the best in Collaborative education, brings quality and prestige to the Collaborative Movement, and is continually spreading the word of this better way to divorce.
I want to thank my Executive Board, the officers of this organization and my entire Board of Directors. Without your strong commitment and support, we would not have achieved what we did.
Collaboratively yours,
Edward S. Sachs, CPA ABV/CFF
FACP President

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