Newly Revised Collaborative Practice Survey To Be Launched

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Why Conduct Research? What Does it Mean? 
Data gained from research expands knowledge and aids evidence based decision making. It helps build professional skill development. In an effort to provide the public and Collaborative professionals with data driven information about Collaborative Practice, the FACP Research Committee is urging you to complete the two part, 20 -30 minute Survey as a component of your debrief. Part A requests statistical information, and Part B requests subjective information about the professionals’ experiences and client dynamics.  Completion of the Surveys will be a wonderful springboard for conversation about your cases and the work of your Collaborative Team. Without the data, what you say about Collaborative Practice is merely your opinion…
What You Will learn?
What works, what doesn’,t what needs to change:

  • What Percentage of Settled Cases had Positive Resolutions?
  • What was the Average Cost?


  • What were the Average Total Hours?


  • How Many Years, Months did it take to Conclude?
  • How Many Team Meetings were held?
  • How Many Hours Did the Average Team Meeting Last?
  • How Many Professionals?  Did it use a Full Team?
  • What were the Success and Difficulty Factors?
  • What was the Average Satisfaction Level of Clients
  • Teachable Moments…

These are questions that your colleagues and clients want answered before they commit to this process. 

  • Use the survey data as your marketing tool
  • Use the survey as a debriefing tool.
  • Use the survey to build on your strengths and learn from your challenges


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