President’s Letter – November 2019

FACP collaborative divorce florida divorce attorney

“Florida’s on Fire” – in a good way—that was the buzz in Chicago about Florida’s growing Collaborative Community.  FACP now has 18 member groups throughout the state. Thanks to all who attended the IACP Forum in Chicago in October.  Randy Heller organized another great Florida gathering. FACP is a Global Partner of IACP! The world gets smaller all the time—the growth of Collaborative anywhere supports Collaborative everywhere.  Next year in Toronto!
Present at 2020 FACP Annual Conference
The deadline for proposals for presentations at the FACP Annual Conference is November 20.  We’re trying out a new format—75-minute presentations. It’s not too late to submit a proposal.  You get Credentialing credit for teaching as well as attending the Conference.
Fundraising to Raise Consumer Awareness
The Fundraising Committee is working hard to gather funds to help educate divorce consumers about all the reasons to choose Collaborative process divorce.  Help them by identifying business you know who would benefit from having a presence with our 700+ members statewide. Every employer who cares about their employee’s wellness should be an advocate for and supporter of Collaborative process.  Who do you know that would benefit from partnering with us? Call a member of the fundraising committee and make a plan to get in front of those organizations.
Don’t forget to check the FACP website regularly for educational opportunities around the state.
Spread the Word
To increase the buzz, spread the word!  Check in with our FACP Facebook page regularly—Share freely.  Write a blog post—we’ll publish it on the FACP website.
Thanks to everyone for all you do to make Collaborative Divorce available to all of Florida’s families!  It takes a Team!

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