President’s Update – February 2023

FACP is a world leader of the Collaborative Process. After serving for six years on the Board of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, I know that Collaborative groups around the world want to know what we are doing here in Florida because we are a role model. I think the main reason why we are so highly regarded is because we have so many extraordinary Collaborative professionals and programs in Florida, including our Leadership Institute program. IACP created a Leadership Academy many years ago. The purpose of that program was to identify, foster, and develop future leaders of IACP and the Collaborative Movement. However, after one class, the IACP Board decided not to repeat the program despite its overwhelming success. Therefore, Adam Cordover (from Tampa), Brian Galbraith (current President of IACP and a Leadership Academy Fellow with Adam), and Dr. Deborah Day (from Orlando) created FACP’s Leadership Institute. We are now preparing for our third class of the FACP Leadership Institute and are very proud that many of our current officers and committee chairs have graduated from the Leadership Institute. In light of the success of our Leadership Institute, the IACP restarted their Leadership Academy. If you are interested in participating in our Leadership Institute, please visit the FACP website. The deadline for a practice group to nominate a candidate is February 24, 2023. Do not hesitate to apply today because the deadline is rapidly approaching.

As I write this Newsletter, I am preparing to attend our semi-annual Board Retreat, which will take place virtually on February 17 and 18, 2023. The retreat, led by President-Elect Marta Alfonso, will dig deeply into what we currently do and what we should do in the future. I anticipate that the results of our retreat will include the creation of new and improved programs for FACP and more ways to engage professionals in the Collaborative Process. We welcome each of you to get involved in one or more of our many committees and in your local practice group. The more people we have involved in FACP, the more creative programs we will have and the wider our reach to the public to promote the Collaborative Process will be.

As I reported last month, our Governance Committee has created a uniform Collaborative Process Administrative Order to present for adoption to each circuit in Florida. The Eighth Circuit became the first circuit to adopt the Administrative Order this past week. Please let me know if you have connections with the division or chief judge in your circuit so we can help your circuit adopt the Collaborative Process Administrative Order.

Finally, I remind you that the next FACP Conference will be held on June 8-10, 2023 at the JW Marriott Bonnet Creek in Orlando. Our Conference Committee has worked very hard to prepare a great conference. The keynote speaker will be Forrest “Woody” Mosten, who is an internationally known mediator, a Collaborative attorney and the creator of the concept of unbundled legal services. Do not miss the opportunity to hear Woody and our other presenters and to mingle with at least 150 Collaborative professionals from throughout Florida and from other states and Canada.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Yours Collaboratively,

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