President’s Update – April 2020

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This is a horrible time.  People are suffering enormously, and the suffering is not equal.  We all do what we can. For some of us it’s simply to stay home and be kind and reach out to others. If we can’t hug, we can pick up the phone and call.

In the meantime, FACP members, working from home, have stepped up like never before.
Our Outreach Committee, newly chaired by Matthew Thatcher and Christen Ritchey, with the support of our FACP Vice President, Joryn Jenkins, rolled out a Free webinar on Collaborating During Coronavirus: Challenges & Opportunities.   We reached our webinar limit of almost 100 live attendees! Thanks to our presenters: Dr. Deborah Day, and attorneys Adam Cordover, Joryn Jenkins, Christen Ritchey and Matthew Thatcher.
If you didn’t attend, you can view the webinar here:
Three more one-hour Webinars are already scheduled:
What you need to know NOW about SBA Loans and latest tax benefits for your business and your clients, Megan Wolfe, CPA. Friday, April 17, 10 AM.
Marketing Collaborative During the Pandemic, Joryn Jenkins, Friday, April 24, 10 AM,
Collaborating During Coronavirus, Part II, Wednesday, April 29, 10 AM:

  • Managing Clients in Crisis – Sonya Johnson
  • Managing Client Expectations – Wendy Coughlin
  • Working from home (with kids) – Marie Eve Girard
  • Marketing During Coronavirus – Ed Sachs
  • Tips on interviewing with Facebook Live and Zoom – Laura Richter

You’ll receive an invitation via email for each of the Webinars.   
Welcome new Board member:  Rebecca H. Fischer, Esq. of Fischer & Feldman, P.A., of Hollywood, has joined the FACP Board to fill a vacant Board seat.  She is chairing the Practice Group Committee. Rebecca is in the inaugural class of the Leadership Institute. Welcome Rebecca and thanks for the hard work you are going to do supporting our Practice Groups statewide.
Collaboratively yours,
Elaine T. Silver
FACP President

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