President’s Update – March 2020

FACP collaborative divorce florida divorce attorney

Our lives have turned topsy-turvy in the last few weeks. Community is more important than
ever. The physical spaces where we would usually gather to turn for community are
shuttered—our churches and synagogues and community centers. Even my local farmers
market closed—if I were in charge, I would keep it open. How is a supermarket safer than
buying veggies outdoors?
Our parks and beaches and trails are still open. What a perfect time to do what’s good for our
well-being at any time—go outside. Take a walk with friends—just don’t get too close. Use
your walking time to phone a friend who may welcome the sound of your voice now more than
Our mission to bring the safety of Collaborative process to families experiencing divorce is even
more critical when our world turns upside down. We may see fewer divorces started until the
peak of this crisis passes, but then life will return to the new normal, and couples will continue
to choose divorce over staying married.
In the meantime, let’s use our Collaborative skills to bring tiny islands of peace wherever we
find ourselves.
From my yoga teacher this week:

Change is Constant, Change is Challenging, Change is Opportunity
Welcome Joryn Jenkins, who has generously agreed to step into the role of Vice-President of
FACP. Her Executive Committee responsibilities include our Outreach Committee and our
Practice Group Committee.
Matthew Thatcher, attorney with the Solomon Law Group in Tampa and Christen Ritchey of
Johnson, Ritchey & Feldman, PA in Boca Raton have stepped up as new Co-Chairs of our
Outreach Committee. Both are members of the inaugural FACP Leadership Institute and are
proving the value of the Institute. They will be looking for FACP members to join the
Committee’s efforts to spread the word about Collaborative Process to consumers throughout
Thanks to Joshua Jones, our outgoing Vice President and chair of the Outreach Committee for
everything he’s done to support our mission. He will continue to be a powerful advocate for
Collaborative Divorce in his new “dream job” as an educator of future lawyers!
Collaboratively yours,
Elaine T. Silver
FACP President

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