President’s Update – May 2022

I am very excited to share what recently happened and what is about to happen in FACP. On April 15-21, we celebrated the United Nations’ World Creativity and Innovation Week, the theme of which was “collaboration.”

If you participated in any of the WCIW events, you saw very strong Florida representation. More people participated in WCIW this year worldwide than ever before, and FACP was a very large reason for that. We held events throughout Florida, and we obtained numerous governmental Proclamations, which should bode well for promoting the Collaborative Process in Florida. Congratulations to all of us!

The FACP Conference Committee, chaired by Karen Middlekauff, Tammy Berman, Jessica Felix, and Enid Miller Ponn, has been working for almost a year to plan our tenth annual conference, which will be held on June 9-11 at the JW Marriott Tampa Water Street Hotel. The theme this year is “The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Building Strong and Effective Collaborative Teams.”

We have more than 130 people registered for the conference thus far, including, for the first time ever, seven judges and magistrates! The fact that seven members of the judiciary have chosen to take the time to attend our conference reflects the continuing momentum and importance of the Collaborative Process in Florida. We have a conference agenda filled with interesting and challenging programs.

The conference is THE place to be if you are interested in expanding your Collaborative practice and becoming the best possible Collaborative professional. If you are not already registered for the conference, there is still time to register. Get more information and register here. I guarantee that if you join us at the conference, you will have fun, learn and expand your professional and personal contacts. Who can beat that??

When I became the President of FACP, one of my top priorities was to expand the diversity of our members and the clients we serve. We created the IDEA Committee to pursue Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility. I am happy to report that the people who have chosen to get involved in FACP this year are definitely more diverse than a year ago. My hope is that a trend has begun and that the door to the Collaborative Process will be opened even more to professionals and our clients.

Toward that goal, the IDEA Committee will be videoing people who attend the conference and want to share their thoughts about diversity and inclusion. Please look for our e-mails and social media posts about the videos and the conference in general.

I hope to see every one of you next month in Tampa. Please make a point to say “hi” to me.

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