Apply Now For The FACP Leadership Institute

We are excited that the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals (“FACP”) will be hosting its third Leadership Institute. Our vision with this Leadership Institute is to identify, foster and develop leaders of local Collaborative Practice Groups, the FACP, and the broader Collaborative community.
Participants, who are called Leadership Fellows, will:
- Learn leadership skills to help advance the Collaborative community;
- Build connections with other up-and-coming leaders in the Collaborative community;
- Building connections with current leaders of our local, statewide, and international Collaborative communities; and
- Exchange ideas about how to improve the local Collaborative community.
Leadership Fellows must commit to the following mandatory requirements of the Leadership Institute:
(A) In-Person Meetings
- All day on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at the JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort & Spa, followed by attendance at FACP Annual Statewide Conference on June 9 and 10, 2023;
- Two full days on Friday and Saturday, September 22-23, 2023, in the Orlando area (specifics to follow);
- All day on Thursday, June 6, 2024, at the JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek Resort & Spa, followed by attendance at FACP Annual Statewide Conference on June 7 and 8, 2024.
(B) Attending the FACP Conferences in 2023 and 2024 at the Fellow’s own expense.
(C) Planning and presenting a workshop at the 2024 FACP Conference.
(D) Virtually attending bi-monthly videoconference meetings, lasting approximately 1 1/2 hours each. These will be held at 12:00 PM on the following Wednesdays:
- August 16, 2023
- November 8, 2023
- January 17, 2024
- March 13, 2024
- May 8, 2024
Travel costs, hotel stays, and conference registration fees related to the in-person meetings and the FACP conferences shall be the financial responsibility of each Leadership Fellow participating in the Leadership Institute. The registration fee for the Leadership Institute will, however include some meals associated with the in-person meetings.
For each Fellow of the Leadership Institute to fully benefit from the program, attendance at the in-person meetings and virtual bi-monthly videoconferences is mandatory. Failure of a Leadership Fellow to satisfy the attendance requirement or to participate in a workshop presentation at the 2024 FACP Conference will result in dismissal from the 2023-2024 Leadership Institute.
To build strong and healthy leadership in the Collaborative community, Leadership Fellows are expected to exercise the skills and connections they make through the Leadership Institute in the Collaborative community at the practice group, statewide, and international levels.
The fee for each Fellow to participate in the Leadership Institute is $375.00 to cover food and ancillary costs. It is up to each Practice Group whether they want to contribute to their nominee’s Leadership Institute fee. Historically, Practice Groups have contributed half, if not all, of the nominee’s Leadership Institute fee. FACP funds a majority of the costs. The Leadership Institute Committee chairs and presenters are generously donating their time to foster a new generation of leaders.
We ask that local Practice Groups nominate potential Fellows. Applications will only be accepted from local Practice Group nominations. Every Practice Group is encouraged to nominate at least one candidate. If a local Practice Group nominates more than one candidate, the Leadership Institute will choose among the nominees. If there is more than one strong candidate from a Practice Group, the Leadership Institute may accept more than one (but no more than two) if space permits. CLICK HERE for the application attached to this letter.
Applications from those nominated must be received no later than February 24, 2023 and should be emailed with all supporting documents to Candice D. Saketkoo, Ph.D., Psy.D. We strongly encourage you to support the most appropriate member of your community who will take full advantage of the Leadership Institute and move forward to become a strong leader in our Collaborative community.
Collaboratively Yours,
Candice D. Saketkoo,
Brenda Lee London,
Lizette Reboredo
Co-Chairs, FACP Leadership Institute