Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist is seeking a divorce from his wife of eight years. While the former Governor and current U.S. Representative currently has a prenuptial agreement with his wife, Carole, there are still issues that need to be worked out and the two are doing it Collaboratively.
Crist announced that he and his wife will use the Collaborative Law Process to settle their divorce. Using the Collaborative Process, Crist, and his wife will be able to keep information about their personal and financial life private during the proceedings.
As the Collaborative Process continues to grow in the State of Florida, this is another huge vote of confidence for both citizens and Collaborative professionals. We hope to see the Florida Supreme Court ratify the Collaborative rules soon so we can continue to help spouses divorce in a peaceful manner.
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My Collaborative Team
South Florida
“Family Effect” of the Collaborative Process
As an attorney, I am naturally inclined to hyper-focus on the content being discussed in Collaborative full team meetings.